
Piliwale Ridge -- Stan Yamada (2001)

Remind me never to do this climb again. The benefits do not outweigh the burdens. A lot of the problems were self-created. We got off to a late start, didn't fuel up properly beforehand, and underestimated the difficult trail conditions. Normally not a problem with the usual trail. With this trail, they combined to kick my ass. Piliwale is the ridge connecting Maunawili Valley on the Windward side with the summit of Konahuanui (3150 ft.), apex of the Koolau range. There was not much beta available for this climb. Jason Sunada's account of his trip up and down the trail last year was sketchy on details, and I now understand why. This is a long and difficult trip up and the numerous outcroppings and meanderings get confusing fast for anyone intent on trying to memorize a path to the top. We parked at the hairpin turn lot, the bad luck car now stripped of anything of value. Passed three women intent on doing the entire Maunawili trail with one one-lit