
Kipapa Windward to Manana -- Pat Rorie

Hike date : Sunday, February 9, 2003Ed Gilman and I had planned to do this trek a while ago, but bad weather or schedule conflicts kept it from happening until Sunday.Rendezvoused with Ed Sunday morning at the top of Pacific Palisades in Pearl City. From Palisades, we car pooled to Waiahole Valley and once at the Spencer property, continued mauka on foot at 8:15 am.Ed and I reached the base of the steep windward ridge dubbed Kipapa Windward in about 45 minutes via the graded contour Waiahole Ditch Trail. Following a quick hydration/pee break, up, up we went all the way to the Ko'olau summit. At the stacked remains of an old Army cabin near a grove of tall sugi pines, we paused to hydrate, and I switched into long pants.Upon acquiring the Kipapa summit (elev. 2786') via the graded contour Ko'olau Summit and Kipapa Ridge trails, the two of us removed our water stash from under an ohi'a tree and then loaded the bottles into our packs. Unfortunately, my water had de