
Poamoho/KST/Castle/Papali Uka -- Keith Palmer

A Koolau Summit Trail hiker from the mainland told me about a water source he found in the Peahinaia section of the trail, and referenced in one of Stuart Ball's books. It is on the windward side of the trail at Peahinaia at a gap. He was able to make a mud dike, stick a straw through it, and slowly fill a water bottle. For people who might not get to the excellent water source at Poamoho junction or those studying the plants in the fence interior and staying thereabouts, decided to pack up and see if I could find the meager source. Thursday June 27, 2002 6:05 AM Walk out the door of house with light backpack. Worked the night before until 3:00 AM and had packed up just before leaving. 6:20 AM Arrive at Hookele and Farrington Highway bus stop. 6:37 Bus #40 "Honolulu" arrives. Pay $1.50, the new higher bus fare, and get a transfer. Thinned down internal frame backpack draws no comment from the driver, and I slide it under my bus seat. 7:28 Get off bus